Detect scripts and manipulate DOM objects in runtime with pure js

· Erik Emmerfors

Created a tool in order to setup clients accounts while I worked as a software engineer to create chat experienses.

Due to the fact that bascially every client used their own completly custom setup in order to host a website or application.


To speed up the process by be able to actually see and manipulate the DOM at the clients website. Since I worked with 6-8 clients at the time (sometimes up to 10), and no client was willing to help or install the chat framework by themself. Stressful and tedious work to have clients not intressed in having the most awesome experience for their customers.

So I created a tool to help me. No one liked it =) Not even google…..but it took time off my ass and gave me peace…in the most toxic environment I been exposed to. It got ripped from the Google Store with no explanation.

It was awesome though. I guess they thought it could be used maliciously




So I had to strip the best functions, having no chrome store api or DOM manipulation in the new version.

Behold, Magpie… a stripped version that basically just could read the DOM