Void reaver - Wacky Minecraft Dungeons build
It is not simple to attain the most desired gear in Minecraft Dungeons.
However, if you are lucky, you can get drops that combines to really crazy builds.
Gear breakdown: The cards
ENCHANTMENTS: Swiftfooted, Electrified & Lightning focus
Combined with Thundering Arrows and Bowstring enchantment on The Pink Scoundrel, it is hilarious The power in this combination comes with the modifier “-40% artifact cooldown” and “Lightning focus”. You can just spam rain of lightning arrows and obliterate everything in your path. Electrified boost some damage, but not significant.
ENCHANTMENTS: Smiting, Echo & Critical hit
This hammer gives the extra splash and huge damage output when you roll into heaps of mobs. If you are lucky, at level 161, when it crits…it does about 15–16k damage. BOOM!
ENCHANTMENTS: Enrage, Ricochet, Multishot & Burst bowstring
Well, the combination with all these enchantments, it is crazy. =) Lol Damage is not that high, but where it lacks damage it takes up in clearing areas…a lot of lightning, everywhere. “Light Feather” and “Burst Bowstring” enchantment makes this a leathal combo. “Enrage” is a plus, to have some mobs be pre occupied with someone else than you
I wish there was a way to combine your own crazy builds with different enchantments, but then it will probably take away the awesome funny random game that Minecraft Dungeon really is.
I am building a anima build…when the right gear drops =)
Lower temple run, THUNDER!